Catching Up: Organizational Meeting

From the Meetup group page

[Jim] started organizing the group about six months ago with a meeting at Amelie’s Bakery. We’ve had a number of different Charlotte Rubyists come out to meetings since. I feel that the group is becoming quite a little success, and it’s all thanks to members like you.

I’d like to have a casual, catch-up meeting to talk about what we’re all doing with Ruby, and what the group could be doing to better benefit its members. It’s quite possible that a computer will come out and there will be some hackery to accomplish a goal or two– it can’t be ruled out!

Some of us met at the end of the last meeting and had such a good discussion about what we could do as a group that I wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to become involved. Just because you couldn’t make the meeting doesn’t mean you can’t participate. I’d love for more Rubyists to feel more at home in their community here, and that means talking to each other and helping each other. I think it’s time for some face to face time!

I hope you’ll consider turning out. Please let me know if the night of the week is bad for you– note that this meeting is on Tuesday, not on Wednesday. Most people said they could make our holiday party on Tuesday, so I figured we’d try that.

The meetup will be hosted at Amélie’s French Bakery on March 9th at 6:30PM. Please take the time to let us know if you can make it or not here